Mì Khô Xá Xíu

Mì Khô Xá Xíu

Gửi bàigửi bởi tranchau

MÌ KHÔ XÁ XÍU - Cách Làm Nước Sốt Mì Khô và Bánh Tôm Chiên - Dried Noodles Sauce & Fried Shrimp Cake

KT Food Stories

*** Bánh tôm chiên

Bột nhúng tôm:

- Gyoza wrappe
- 3,5 mc (82 gr) bột chiên giòn + 1 ms tinh bột năng (14 gr) + 1/2 tsp đường + 1/4 tsp muối + 100 ml nước -> mix (có thể thêm vài giọt màu vàng hay bột nghệ)

***Mai Khôi: 2 mc tinh bột năng + 1 mc bột chiên giòn + 3 mc nước

**** Nước sốt

1/2 mc dầu tỏi + 2 mc nước tương + 1 mc nước tương đậm (hắc xì dầu) + 2 mc dầu hào + 2 mc nước dùng + 1tsp bột nấm hay bột súp gà + 2 mc đường -> mix và nêm lại
Hình đại diện của thành viên
Administrateur du site
Bài viết: 8104
Ngày tham gia: 10 Tháng 5 2010

Mì Khô Xá Xíu

Gửi bàigửi bởi tranchau

Hủ Tiếu Mì Instant Pot (Vietnamese Pork and Seafood Noodle Soup)

Author: Katie Le | Katie’s Test Kitchen

Hình ảnh


Broth (6-quart IP or larger)
– 2 – 3 lbs of pork spare ribs or pork bones (parboiled on stove top for 5 minutes, washed well, drained)
– 1 large onion
– 1 medium daikon (peeled and halved)
– 2 carrots (peeled and cut in half)
– 5 tbsp of Quoc Viet Hu Tieu Soup Base OR Pork Soup Base
– 1 tbsp size of yellow rock sugar
– 1/3 cup of dried shrimps (optional)

Hình ảnh

– Xa Xiu/Vietnamese BBQ Pork (click here for link to my easy IP Xa Xiu)
– Quail Eggs (I used the can for convenient)
– 15 large shrimps (peeled, de-veined, boiled until pink and drained)
– 1/2 to 1 lb of squid (washed well, scored, boiled for about 5 minutes and drained)
– 1 lb of pork liver (washed with salt, boiled with 1 stalk of lemongrass on medium-low heat for 15 minutes or until liver is firmed, transferred to a bowl cold water for 10 minutes, drained and thinly sliced)
– 1/2 lb of ground Pork (marinated for 10 minutes with 2 tbsp of fish sauce, 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of mushroom seasoning; saute ground pork until no longer pink in a pan with about 1 tbsp of cooking oil, set aside)

Hình ảnh

Noodles (cooked according to instruction on the package)
– Egg noodles (thin, yellow)
– Hu Tieu noodles (chewy noodle made from tapioca flour)

Hình ảnh

– Beansprout
– Garlic Chives (chopped to 3 inches long) – a must!!!
– Chopped onion and cilantro
– Lime wedges
– Sliced fresh chili
– Fried shallot
– Ground black pepper
– Chinese celery (chopped to 3 inches long) – optional but highly recommended!

Soy Sauce Dressing (for dry version)
– 1 head of garlic and 1 shallot (minced)
– 4 tbsp of Hoisin sauce
– 4 tbsp of soy sauce
– 2 tbsp of oyster sauce
– 2 tbsp of granulated sugar
– 1 tbsp of mushroom seasoning – optional but highly recommended!
– 1 tbsp of corn or tapioca starch, dissolve in 1 cup of water
– 2 tbsp of cooking oil

Hình ảnh

1. Place all broth ingredients into inner pot. Pour 7 cups of boiling water to cover ingredients, using boiling water to speed up pressure building time. Set Manual/Pressure Cook. If using pork spare ribs, select 5 minutes high pressure, with 15 minutes NPR. If using pork bones, adjust to 20 minutes high pressure, with 15 minutes NPR.
2. For the soy sauce dressing, in a mixing bowl combine Hoisin, soy, oyster, sugar and mushroom seasoning together. In a sauce pan add 2 tbsp of cooking oil. Once it’s hot add minced garlic and shallot. Saute until they release fragrance, add in sauce mixture above and bring to a gentle boil. Then slowly stir in water with tapioca starch mixture (one hand slowly pour, one hand stirs at the same time). Bring sauce to a boil, turn off heat and set aside.
3. Once the 15 minutes NPR is reached, slowly turn knob to venting to release all remaining pressure (aka Quick Release). Remove and discard onion, daikon and carrot. Add 5 cups of boiling water. Cancel “Keep Warm” and select Saute mode to bring the broth to a boil. Adjust the broth to your taste with more soup base, mushroom seasoning, and/or sugar.
4. To serve, assemble noodles in a bowl along with the toppings and garnishes of choice. For the dry version, soy sauce dressing is served on the side and add to noodle bowl when ready to eat. The soup is also served on the side. For the broth version, ladle hot broth directly into the noodle bowl. Add fried shallot, ground pepper and sliced chili. Enjoy!

Hình ảnh
Hình đại diện của thành viên
Administrateur du site
Bài viết: 8104
Ngày tham gia: 10 Tháng 5 2010

Quay về Các Món Ăn Nấu Với Nồi Instant Pot

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